

Frequenty asked questions

 Do I need a ticket?

General attendees require a ticket to attend the event. Tickets are on sale through our partners Tokenproof and can be purchased during the early bird period for €25 and €35 thereafter. A student discount is available for €10(valid student card required).

If you are accepted as a hacker you do not need a ticket but you are required to stake a deposit of €10 to guarantee your spot. This deposit is then refunded upon attendance. If you stake a deposit and are unable attend, please contact our support team at [email protected] at least 24 hours before the event. Please note that your deposit is non-refundable if you do not notify us.

Where will the event be?

ETHDublin 2024 will take place in Dogpatch Labs located in the CHQ Building, Dublin 1. The venue is located in the heart of the city and is within a 5 mins walking distance of all public transport. Dogpatch Labs is one of Ireland's leading start-up and tech hubs.

Visit their website for further details:

Is it a '24 hour' Hackathon?

It is not. Unfortunately, due to current Irish law, the venue is not allowed to remain open over night. The venue will close at 10pm and reopen at 7am. However, we are allowing for projects to continue outside of the venue during those hours if hackers wish to do so. We apologies for this and hope this will change in the future!

Is this an in person or virtual hackathon?

This is an in person hackathon and there will be no option to participate virtually.

Who can participate and do I require a team?

Anyone can participate in the hackathon and there are no technical requirements. As long as your are interested in Web3 and can contribute to a project you are free to apply. A team required to participate in the hackathon - if you cannot form a team, don't worry as we can help you create a team (as there are others without teams). If you are having difficulty forming a team, do reach out to us through Discord, X or Telegram and we can assist you.

Can I enter and submit an existing project?

We encourage participants to start fresh projects but existing projects can be entered as long as there are fundamental changes and relevant to the tracks and bounties. You are required to notify us of existing projects so we can review and approve entry.

Do I require a technical background to participate?

No.You don't need to be technical or a coder to join a hackathon. Successful hackathon project do not solely rely on technical strength but also its feasibility, user experience, and marketability. Non-technical skills such as project management, design, business strategy, and marketing are crucial in turning a technical prototype into a viable product. Think you have those skills to improve a project from a non-technical perspective? Register today!